
Does the court allow you to enter the military in luie of serving a sentance?

by  |  earlier

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well i got a felony and i got some recomendations from coast gaurd chiefs and i wanted to know if a judge ever does that any more . i know they yoused to when my dad was my age but i dont know if they do now. my dad was trying to get this for me and i dont think it would work even thogh i would want it to. i already went to court and i got an adjudication withheld plea so i dont think we could even if it was possible, to do that after the fact that im on a yeara of probation.




  1. I know the Navy did what you ask 3 years ago, probably still do it today. I knew a young guy that had a drug charge yanked if he joined. I heard stories of Marines getting waivers for very serious offenses.

    The younger you are the better your chances. Youre young and dumb, made a mistake and want to turn your life around. Nothing wrong with that!

    See a recruiter with your father, schedule another court date. take your parents to court with you and your recruiter would be there too if they want you. All backing your cause to better yourself. Give 100% and dont let them down!

  2. Not up to the courts. The military will not take you until your time and parole / probation is served and then they still might not.


  3. you wouldn't be able to get in, and frankly, i wouldn't want someone guarding this country just to keep from going to jail.  it would be too easy to leave an airport in say, germany or something and disappear. there are plenty honorable men and women doing it because they love their country, not because they dont want to go to jail.

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