
Does the court hear my case if I plea not guilty?

by  |  earlier

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I got a stop sign citation, I rolled through at 10mph on a clear street. I want to tell the court that I felt it was safe and it is my first citation, but after being pulled over i learned a complete stop is always a must.

And then hope I get off easier... or even better that the cop doesn't show up.

So what is your advice? should I plea guilty or not guilty?

If it plea guilty, does it matter if the cop does not show up?





    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  2. You could plead guilty with an explanation but I wouldn't.

    Plead not guilty.

  3. Dude, you're guilty.  You ran a stop sign.  You broke the law.  If you didn't know this until the cop told you, I think the judge should give you remedial driver's ed.

  4. In this situation the cop would show if you plead not guilty.  And you do need to come to a complete stop no matter what.  But in your case you didnt know.  So i would plead no contest that way your not saying you did the offence and your not saying you didnt.  So thats what I would do if I were you.

  5. Although it seemed 'safe' to drive through the stop sign, as previously stated, Stop means STOP.  You could plead not guilty and explain  that YOU felt it was safe to go through the sign, but your feelings about the law are not an acceptable excuse for breaking it.  Your best bet is to plead guilty and request to go to driving school.   If you haven't had a ticket before, you would be eligible for it.  As for the officer not showing up to court, he  gets a subpoena to show up!  Even on his /her day off - he has too.  The cop will be there.

  6. Stop means stop... Enter a guilty plea and that you request that you be allowed to enter a statement, your lawyer or the public defender can walk you through how to do that.

  7. Never Plea guilty. Traveling in an automobile on the public roads was not a threat to the public safety or health and constituted no hazard to the public. As such a traveler owe nothing more than due care as regard to tort or negligence to the public and the owner owed nothing or no other duty to the public e.g. the state. He and his oil having equal rights to be on the roadways and highways as horses and wagons etc. and the same right is still a substantive rule that speeding, running stop signs, traveling without license plates or traveling without registration are not threats to the public and are not arresting offenses.  U. S. Supreme Court . Traveling is a right not a privilege

  8. If you enter a plea of not guilty in,and then you admit that you rolled through because you "thought" it was okay....your admiting to what you said you didnt do....making you guilty either might as well plead guilty and pay the fine...maybe ask if you can do a driving class to get the points taken off your record.

  9. No

  10. Honey, plead guilty, but also ask may you speak to the magistrate on behalf of yourself, and explain that even though you did wrong, it was not intentional, and you have learnt by this and you are very sorry.  

    Hopefully, he may just fine you but not record a conviction against your name.

    Good Luck, let us know how you go.

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