
Does the device "Tornado" (used to increase gas mil-age) cause real tornadoes in the earths atmosphere?

by  |  earlier

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I use the "Tornado" in my old used car and get 1/3 better gas milage ....




  1. Oh yeah,every time you punch on the gas really hard there goes another house, just like the house in the wizard of oz..

  2. Oh yes,  it most definitely does.    About like expelling a gas bubble into your jeans  causes global warming and the loss of 80 acres of rain forest.

    Now,  go dye your hair dark so no one knows your secret.

  3. i hope yore kidding .no it dont.

  4. YES!! Also Hurricanes are spawned in the cities of Hurricane Utah and Virginia.

    Volcanos are caused by Vulcans.

    Typhoons are caused by factory custom S10 Blazers. Sardines are from Sardinia.

  5. If you got 1/3 better gas mileage then you have to be the only one so far because no one that I know of that has tried this has gotten anything better mileage.

  6. Yes be very careful.

  7. yes.

  8. yes yes it dose. dont use it cause every time you start your car. a tornado forms and people are killed because of it.

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