
Does the direction of the subs make a difference?

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I am doing a custom layout in my car for my sound system. I took out the back seat of my car and im bilding a box that first right in the opening that goes to the trunk. I was wondering if i faced my subs toward the front of the car would it make a difference? Basically if your sitting in my front seat and turn around the subs are going to be right there facing you. Would it be better to have them face the trunk or does it not matter? Thanks for the help.




  1. yes it does make a difference. actually if you put the subs facing the trunk it will be louder .. has to do with the way the sound waves travel or something like that i heard. but it IS louder when you face them to the trunk

  2. yea the second person is right the place you put it makes a tremendous difference also there is ways you can port or bandpass or whatever to make it sound better or as if it is in the trunk or more sound is coming from one area. but if you the sub woofers in a box or whatever and its facing the inside of the car it will sound different than having it face towards the outside of the trunk it even makes i different if you have to much padding in the trunk that it completely deaden's the hole trunk out and less sound and bass reaches the inside of the car.

  3. The last to respond to the question absolutely does not understand what he's talking about. If sound waves were unable to travel through a trunk or sealed enclosure, people wouldn't put subs in either. The waves are what you hear and feel when they are in use. In my experience, facing the subs towards the rear end of the car is the best choice for functionality and for letting everyone know how much better you are than them.

  4. None of you are right at all. How is that sound wave going to get back into the truck, since it is not going to be able to go through objects, such as a wood box.

    Maxmays, learn what your talking about, you still sound like a novice.

    Now to the quesstion. That is the way that people face their subs in SPL comps, into the car. Yes the bass will be much louder than facing them to the rear. The sound waves are not going to go throught the box and into the trunk. Saying that they just need to really learn about how sound waves work.

  5. Location not inportant for bass speakers

  6. Experiment! There is no absolutely right answer. Try aiming the enclosure in different directions while sitting in the drivers seat. Listen to how the sound of the bass changes. Try and mount the enclosure in the location where the bass sounds the best to you.

    Two general suggestions that work quite well include placing the enclosure behind the seat facing rearward and all the way back in the trunk facing forward.

  7. if u gonna put the sub in the back sit, and i know u want to look at them while they're thumping.. i suggest u look into a ported box.

    the different between facing direction is simple.. if the sub were to face you when u turn around, the sound wave that u feel from the bass well travel away to the trunk..

    anyways.. look at this video


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