
Does the discovery of hydrocarbons on Titan prove oil

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is not decaying plant and animal waste?




  1. no.

    The existence of methane and ethane proves that there is carbon and hydrogen.

    On Earth, our original hydrogen would have been lost (too much heat = individual molecules would reach escape speed and escape into space) or would have combines to form other molecules (e.g., water).

    Therefore, on Earth, our oxygen atmosphere prevents any new methane and ethane to form directly.  The only methane and ethane we have does come from the fractioning of hydrocarbons formed from ex-living organisms.

  2. No. Methane is not petroleum oil. Methane is reduced carbon. Carbon is in the form of methane in every single reducing atmosphere in the solar system. This is not a mystery.

  3. No. That is still a perfectly good theory.   It suggests that there are other ways, different chemical processes to achieve the gooey stuff.  If your suggestion were correct oil could be found in Precambrian strata.  It isn't.  Oil is found where theory suggests it will be found.  

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