
Does the dvd player on your macbook pro SUCK as much as mine???

by Guest61880  |  earlier

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eeerrggg it just makes this awfull noise and if it does actually play the dvd it struggles the entire time!! What should I do???




  1. Mine did that too - and it developed into a worse problem later.

    Take it to the Apple store - if you're under AppleCare they will fix it for free.  If you have dents around there - be careful they may say it's your fault.  Just be sure to tell them you didn't do anything.  Sometimes with this kind of stuff they try and push if off on the user.

    If you aren't under Apple Care, look for an Apple certified repair shop as they can usually replace things cheaper.  If not, just take it to Apple to get it repaired.

  2. Sounds like the servo (motor) is failing. I'd take it back to Apple and get it repaired under warranty.  

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