
Does the economy being so fragile these days- scare anyone?

by  |  earlier

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teachers losing jobs-

layoffs- (i was laid off and looking for another)

all of the above-

and president bush saying- things are getting better- lying to us- once again-

our economy seems like its going to collapse for good like the 1929 crash-

how long can we stay in a recession-

with the price of oil going up so high since there is no one drilling for it-

since the price of food is going up- how can we prepare ourselves-

for this coming collapse-

its bound to happen-

btw- for those who think our money isn't just paper- its backed by nothing- its a federal reserve note- a note-

not even backed by gold or silver-

th government just puts us in more and more debt-

and we sit back and take it-

when they take us to the FEMA camps will we sit back and take it?




  1. Yes.  It seems to be getting worse every day that goes by.

  2. The state of the economy terrifying?  Not really...

    Questions like this terrifying?  Absolutely...

  3. what scares me is all the softies hanging around the courthouse everyday looking for freebies.  Yikes!  they get free food, and get free kids, and free drugs and free money and free places to live.  They dont even want to work cause they just get stuff for free.  If I didnt have to pay for these softies, I could pay teachers something.

  4. I am trying to remain optomistic. But as a safegaurd, we are in the process of pulling out our investments out to put them in something like an annuity where they wont keep losing $.

    Until this c**p passes. Thank God our house is paid off!

    I am thankful we have a roof over our head and the house is  ours. I dont know how other people are doing it. I feel sorry for them.

    I also grow my own food and will try growing tomatoes and green peppers inside this winter. I also have a mini orchard peach tree and just planted 1 (new) peach tree and 2 apple trees. The apples should produce next year. The Older peach tree is NOT the healthiest tree but it does produce fruit. If worse comes to worse. (I am still learning about what to put on it for insects /disease where the peaches are safe to consume) and it has leaf curl . Fruit trees are hard to maintain if you dont know what you are doing. You also have to be aware of bugs and worms. We will see what happens.

    This is my plan for survival.If anything should happen.

  5. Nope

    This country's so full of primitive idiots that I don't think I can tolerate living here anymore anyway.

  6. yes

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