
Does the effects of mining on the environment outweight the rewards?

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Just want to get opinions of other people looking to give 10 POINTS to the most detailed reasonable answer thanks!




  1. by FAR!!!  you ruin the land from strip mining... wich can cause erosion because you take the trees away!!!! same with coal mining.... and its EXTEREMLY dangerous!!

  2. Yes

  3. the environmental effects are not costed in at the moment; if they were, many open cast mines e.g. coal where a good deal of carbon in the 'waste' shales oxidizes, or metals where water treatment plant would have to be installed, would be uneconomical.

  4. You would have a lot of trouble living without mining.  Just about everything you depend on has a component in it that is a mined material: the car you drive, the gas you put in your car, the pot you cook your dinner in, the pipes that deliver gas and water to your house, many of the building materials in your house, the computer and network you are using to access Y/A, the bridge you go across every day that you don't even think about, etc.  Having said that, we need to pay close attention to the ways that mining affects our environment.  These include air and water pollution, as well as thorough cleanup when a mining operation is closed.  If done right, a miner can leave a site even better than he finds it.  For example, a mining company can leave an originally rugged site with more gentle countours than it initially had, making it more suitable for subsequent agriculture or livestock grazing.

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