
Does the elliptical...?

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Does the elliptical improve my running skills ?

I can do up to 40 min on the elliptical, does that mean I can run 40 min ?




  1. not necessarily. Remember, on an elliptial, you are not puttin any stress on you knees or ankle, so you go on longer without getting sore. Its different when you run because your upper body weight puts a lot of stress on your knees, everytime to take a step. thats why they have special running shoes to absorb the shock

  2. I oppose the eliptical.  Because it turns for you and you use way less energy since you do not push off of anything just push down to make it turn.  I prefer outdoor running but the treadmill beats the eliptical.  So, no you probably cannot run 40 minutes the same as on the elpitical but as long as your heart rate is getting higher then you should be working out.  But I advise you to try outdoor running or a treadmill at least.  But since both of the above put more stress on the muscles and joints, be sure to stretch and warmup and cooldown properly.

  3. No. Try it for yourself and find out. Running requires a lot more energy, and there's an awful lot more involved. You got to physically lift your legs off the floor. With cross-trainers (ellipticals) you're not doing anything. Ok, it might hurt after a while and you'll feel "something" but it's just a machine that swings your legs if you think of it.

    I don't think it'll have that much of and effect. You should try and get into running, you'll get quicker results because it burns more calories.


  4. Using the elliptical will help your running, but it does not equate to running.  Using the elliptical for 40 minutes is quite different then running for 40 minutes.  I use the elliptical for cross training on non-running days to help prevent injuries.  As you can imagine you joints do get a bit of a pounding when you run.  So using the elliptical for a good cardio work out is fine.

    In fact calorie per calorie if you use the handles on the elliptical you can acutally do more work then just running on a tread mill.  So don’t be afraid to use the elliptical.  But, also get out and run as well.


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