
Does the employer need to pay allowance to the wrker if he is sent overseas for short duration of work?

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My bf who is a sales manager was sent to KL on Wed (National Day) and will be back 8days later.

The boss drove up to KL and hotel is paid for by the company, but on top of that should he be getting extra pay since he is working on weekends as well?

Is it compulsary for the company to pay him extra when he travels overseas?




  1. yes, per diem allowance

  2. Yeah, for travel expenses only. Anything extra like going to fancy resturant and all that is out of you own pocket.

  3. If he is working on weekends , then the answer is yes. But sometimes its good to give and take as this will help us in many other ways

  4. Per Diem is the basic allotment provided by most companies for working overseas. Three hots and a cot, not much more. As for working weekends, some companies pay time and a half rate, some even pay double for working on weekends. Your bf should have asked about all of this prior to leaving.

  5. not necessarily, but all expenses incurred by your bf in the course of business (including staying over the weekend) would be either reimbursable or tax deductible. If they aren't paying for food as well as lodging, then the food he eats is deductible. Travel to and from meetings is deductible. Foreign taxes are deductible. Just keep all reciepts.

    Now as for getting 'extra pay' like over time or the like, no. The company doesn't have to pay extra if this is not an extra service. If this is something that 'comes with the job', then they are within their rights to pay him like always. If he's hourly, he may get O.T., but if he's salary or commission only, he's on his own.

  6. that is up to the company. most companies give you some extra money for expenses when you are overseas or out of town. There however is no law that says they have too. Also if he is salary of commissioned he will not get paid extra for working late or weekends.

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