
Does the end (release of hostages) justify the means (misusing the red cross emblem)?

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A thought to note:

Apparently, it wasn't part of the the hostage release plan.




  1. no defiantly not , we don't want a situation where people are shooting at genuine red cross personnel because they don't know if they are fake or not

  2. I find it hard to understand why some of your responders think ot's OK to misuse the Red Cross flag in this way.

    Its long established and continuing acceptance as a symbol of non combatant humanitarian activity by unarmed and neutrally acting personnel is utterly dependant on those personnel being just that.

    Which is why its use as such is so universally adopted and respected.

    Can your responders not see that, misusing it, so that it effectively covers up military activity, negates all of that ?

    If it is so negated, then, the next time it appears on the horizon of some conflicted area, are not the combatants likely to assume it is a cover for some sort of manouver, and to treat the personnel under it as enemy combatants?

    So its very usefulness becomes its downfall, and genuine  Red Cross activity becomes impossible.

    As to the thoughts of the prisoners, I am sure they are, rightfully grateful to their rescuers, but I cannot help feel that Ms. Betancourt and the others would not approve of such misuse of that internationally respected emblem.

  3. Ask the hostages that question. Also, ask yourself "what if it were you being held at the point of death by the scum of the earth?".

  4. The word genius comes to mind?  This guy used his nogan!  People break laws every second.  The end does justify the means!  Thank God, we have some people in this life that can make it bearable.  

    If we all followed all the rules all the time, nothing would get done!  Humanity would not survive.  Life is a roller coaster ride of figuring out or second guessing what works and what doesn't, even when you are told exactly what to do.  Often, the people who made the rules are incompetent to account for every common sense situation in which they should be broken.

    Sometimes rules are just made to control certain groups.  But I am glad this guy knew when to break this rule and that the outcome was productive.

  5. He should not have done it, he should be punished!

    He was scared so he put the lives of every Red Cross worker in danger . . . outragous!

    He's caused more harm than good!!

    Garrison..... they were already on their way in to rescue said hostages when he donned the t-shirt out of cowardice!!

  6. I think this is a big mistake. The red cross clearly stands for neutrality but if it loses credibility the only ones who will suffer are the victims and the red cross representatives who may be attacked. Am apology by Colombia us not enought. However there is more to that hostage situation than what is being said. It is very suspicious how men with extensive military training all of the sudden give up hostages without a fight. Something is not right there.

  7. There are 2 ways to look at this,the emblem should not be used unless it was for a mission of mercy. So one could say that this rescue was a mission of mercy. Its a heads I win tails you lose situation

  8. News and jobs-

  9. Yes, it is not humanitarian to take hostages or to mistreat hostages.

    How can the Red Cross deal with perpetrators of these sorts of crimes, if they do they condone it.

    You can never be the people on the fence, u always have to come down on one side or other.

    They kid themselves!

  10. If I paid a ransom to have my son released from captivity and the kidnappers found the money I gave them to be counterfeit would anyone other than them be upset?

  11. Suppose you had been held prisoner for 5 years... sleeping outside under a tree, being chained to others, constantly being moved  around... becoming sick and not getting medical care...


    You people who have never BEEN THROUGH something like what those people went through are always so self righteous.... until it happens to you.

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