
Does the escape of a monstrous 12 ft lizard with pirana jaws that escapes from a secret science lab.....?

by  |  earlier

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does this sound like i good idea for a horror science fiction book ?

experiments are being conducted in a remote secret location, on a type of new breed of lizard, but it grows too powerful and now has the strength of 20 steel high speed trains grows to 13ft tall and can run faster than a high speed locomotive at full speed.

it breaks free of the high security metal prison in the science labs and annihilates every scientist in the building..

the huge monstrous lime green lizard destroys the science lab and escapes in to the remote surrounding country side...

that is a kind of prologue - what do you think ?

please do not insult my idea if you dont think its a good idea for a novel then say do politley.

or if you think this idea has been done before say so and tell me the source

if you say something stupid and pathetic like it sounds like the script for an old black and white film if you say that leave me your address so i can come and find you to deal with you permenantly.

no stupid think your clever answers idiotic worthless answers.

this idea of mine is a deadly serious one.




  1. there is a movie that kinda runs along that lines of what your talking about the movie is called Tremors it is about huge mutated worms they called them graphoids they showed up in a small town and terrorized it you should rent it it is a good movie not just like yours but simular.

  2. If you can't take the opinions of people here, you should not really ask for them dear. When you send your manuscript to a publishing company, will find the harshest, most analytical people you have ever encountered in your life, and matter how good it is, there will always be someone to tell you how bad it should let people just give you there ideas, and it might save you the pain later in life.

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