
Does the faces on CNN reflect "affirmative action" or pure merit?

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Did I say faces? On further inspection this evening, make that f***s. CNN is on a real tear. Yuk!




  1. Neither, they reflect what corporate America/corporate news think the American people want to watch.

    There could be a 400 pound woman with a mustache who is the best and least biased news reporter the world has ever seen.  No one is going to put her on.

  2. They are all talking heads (same with fox).  Bernard Shaw was the best newscaster CNN ever had--too bad he retired.

    Sorry, I'm not sure about the answer--my guess is that there is some AA, but that is not a bad thing necessarily.  Why should just rich white people who spent their whole life in the burbs get jobs?

  3. pure merit

  4. Some are very hot looking females.

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