
Does the fact that CM Punk is Straight Edge make you like him more?

by Guest63234  |  earlier

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or if you don't like him have some positive thoughts toward him. Not that there is anything wrong with people who do the things that he does not do. This more of a like him more as a person.




  1. Yes. I do.

  2. On one hand yes it does, though I like him as a Superstar because he's got talent. I do give him props for being straight-edged in the business he's in. Many of the Superstars get addicted to painkillers because of their aches and pains due to the business.

    When Jeff got busted for failing his drug test yes I was upset that he'd do something so stupid, but I did give him props that he came out and admitted that he made a mistake, and was willing to own up to it like a man.

    Myself I have smoked cigarettes for 13 years, and I drink on occasion, but of course I'm 29 years old. It doesn't make me a bad person, but I wouldn't want a kid imitating that aspect of my life either.

  3. Yes. Since he is straight edge, I have more respect towards him as a person & as a wrestler.

  4. I think it puts him in a different light when it comes to being different from the other superstars. i think it puts a greater pressure on him to stay that way and in the business he is in it can't be easy to stay alcohol and drug free so it shows major maturity and will power on his part

    i love the fact that he is straight edge because i am in a way the same way, i dont drink, smoke or do drugs but i do the whole tattoo thing lol

  5. Yes, I suppose.  It gives kid someone to look up to that isn't clearly hopped up on roids, and you know he wont be busted for crack or smoking weed with Sabu after winning the world title, not that I'm judging RVD or Sabu for that matter, it's just a really dumb thing to do when you're in a lucrative position.

    I'm straight edge, and no, I'm not some bandwagon kid who just heard about it when he first saw Punk.  I've been listening to Fugazi and Henry Rollins since my teens, so I know what it means.  I'm not saying it's at all bad to bandwagon onto such a trend, but there are the posers of the world who draw an x on their left hand and hold a beer in their right.

    Either way, I've never drawn influence on how I perceive someone due to their religion or belief structure.  If I met Punk, and he was a jerk, I wouldn't be disillusioned by it at all, and I'd definitely change my opinion of him.  Would I still consider him a good wrestler?  Yes, but he wouldn't be someone I'd idolize, nor is he right now for that matter.  I know plenty of jerks in the world who make a difference in people's lives, and I idolize none.  I can admire their strides, but I may not consider them a hero or a good person.

  6. I respect that he is honest about it

    I just hate superstars that get caught, Jeff Hardy got caught and look at him, he lost 30% or something of his fans, even I lost respect for him

    RVD was on drugs but he said he was, and people knew he was, I still respected him when he got caught because he never lied to his fans

    CM Punk I respect but you have gotta think, how long will this Straight Edge no drugs no beer stuff will stay for?

  7. It makes me respect him more not like him more. Respecting someone and Liking someone are two completely different things. I also think being promoted as straightedge puts a lot of pressure on his shoulders because if he gets busted for DUI or taking Steroids any time in his WWE career his entire gimmick along with his fan basis will go down the toilet.

  8. I'm not a fan of him, but I do give him credit for him.

    Although if he's against someone I dislike more than him, I'll cheer for him.

    Although I like people way more like Matt Hardy who drinks, and Jeff who smokes and drinks more than him;

    Because the way I think of it.. I still love my family members who do it, so why think differently of them just because I'm not related.

  9. YESSS!!! 100% and he is a great role model for the little kids!!!

  10. Actually, yes.

    Do I buy that he's like this in real life? No, but that doesn't matter.  The fact that he the World Champ and is a role model for kids is enough for me.

  11. the fact that he beleives in a different way then say JBL, when JBL challenged him to a drinking match he can just throw the beer in the face

    visit my question

  12. Yes, i respect that aspect, but im just so angry hes getting a push infront of people more worthy when hes only bin there for 3 years.

  13. Yes, I have lots of respect for him as a person and a wrestler. Since I saw his matches on ROH I have liked him, and I think he is a awesome person and wrestler. And him being straight edge makes me look up to him. =]

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