
Does the fact that Canada hasn't won any medals yet mean that we're the only ones not using steroids?

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...waits for the flame attack to begin...

*whistles non-chalantly*




  1. lmao... not really.

    Just means ure not good enough really.

    But good luck though.  

    *shakes head*

  2. no. instead of preparing for the olympics the canadians watched terrance and philip.

  3. Canadians are just too enlightened to join in the rat-race for round metals on ribbons. :)

  4. I wouldn't really say so, but perhaps you guys need some heavy motivation from your own country as China and America are getting from their people.

  5. Does the fact that Canadians aren't smart enough to know that blood tests are taken from the athletes before every event to check for steroids have to do anything with no medals?

  6. no, it just means you're a bunch of losers.

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