
Does the fact that Griffey is still with the Reds mean that they havent given up on their season just yet?

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What kind of message does that send to fans that management is giving up on the season like in the case of Pittsburgh?




  1. He's not giving up he's in his mid 30's he's getting to the point where he just can't play anymore.

  2. Can't find any takers. I sure wish they'd get a bus and load up Coffey, Weathers, Patterson, Encarnacion, Dunn, Griffey, Bako, Fogg and Bailey and just get them the heck out of town!!! I'd rather see Triple-A players on the field in their positions. Baker can go too and I won't shed a tear. They get swept three games straight by Colorado then COlorado gets beat by Pittsburgh?! They are horrible!!

  3. I think that it does show that they are fighting it some what but it also shows that they are putting a higher value on their players than the rest of the league is putting on their players, not only is Griffey still there but so is Dunn and the pitchers that are supposed to be traded at this point.

    Griffey will need the right situation to be traded.  Pittsburgh has maintained all year that they are still a few years away, they have just rebuilt their scouting department and done an internal overhaul on the management side of the organization their fans had to know that this was not going to be a repeat of the "We are Family" gang from the late 70's.

  4. Not at all. Each season Griffey opts to remain still, and lets face it, he isnt a Manny Ramirez, who will display unhappiness and create whirlwinds over disappointments and so on. Instead this is a guy who "quietly" has remained with a team and posted huge numbers through out his career, and is loyal to the team and fans. That and most likely a contract that pays well, and could not be broken, and also he unfortunately has been injured from time to time, so most teams dont want that over their shoulders, despite his skills.

  5. I think it means he's no longer marketable.

    Plus, he's a 10/5 man meaning he can veto any trade not to his liking.

  6. I just think it means that there are limited buyers on a guy like Griffey.  Granted he's a HOFer, but he's in the twilight of his career and makes a ton of $$.  If you're in Pitt, you have to be hating yet another year of losing and knowing that this season is lost.

  7. No, it just means that the Reds have not found a team that wants an aging slugger that is no longer the terrific fielder he was a decade ago.

    He is batting less than .250; slugging less than .500 in a home park that is a hitter's paradise.  KGJr is a first-ballot Hall of Famer, but not the superstar that his fans remember.

  8. No, it means that nobody else wants him. I'm a huge Griffey fan, but at his age teams aren't going to be interested in giving up anything for him.

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