
Does the fact that Mugabe has a knighthood show what a stupid "honour" such awards are?

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Mugabe is a Knight of the realm. My dad, who gives 10% of his money to, and works tirelessly for, charities - does not. Sir .... and Lord .... who were born into wealth, and inherit titles get them, so does anyone with any money .l.. occassionally they toss them out to a few non celebs and billionaire business men

Are OBE and MBEs a thing of the past?




  1. Utterly pointless

  2. I understand that this honour was withdrawn.

  3. That's why Australians don't accept them so Benji Kylie can't receive one she was made an OBE and they gave our last t**t of a PM John Howard some order of the garter thing as well.

    Bring on the republic I say.

  4. Oh, let Bobby keep his gong! After all, he's in the company of a few prize prats such as Minogue and the Beatles!

  5. YUP

  6. Mugabe is a classic case of the adage "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely". The fact that he has a knighthood is linked more to the position he holds rather than any meritocracy of how well he has performed his job. There are certain Governmental and Civil Service positions that accrue their holder an award. This, and the hereditary peerage, are the 'down-side' of the awards system, however there is much to commend the meritocratic nature of the rest of the awards. These only seem to be given-out mainly to Celebs and business men because:-

    1. These are people who are 'newsworthy' and so get reported.

    2. Because these people have a higher profile, then any charitable works they organise are likely to have a higher profile.

    If your father has volentarily contributed greatly (time and organisation rather than money) toward a recognised 'good cause', then there is no reason why he should not be eligable to be nominated for an OBE.

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