
Does the fact that Russia invaded Georgia show McCain & Bush have been wasting time in the last 8 years?

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seems our focus has been on Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11 or anything else and now we don't have an answer to Russia or China.




  1. what do you want, a return to the arms race?  You expect them to follow our orders?  the world doesn't work that way.

    why do so many people think we don't have time to talk to the russians just because we're in a war.   we've held conference after conference with them.  we haven't ignored them even slightly.

    and why are you including mccain in that question.  mccain is a senator, one of many.  so if you really want to ask about senators you should have asked:  "Does the fact that Russia invaded Georgia show that our senators, McCain and Obama included,  & Bush have been wasting time in the last 8 years?"

  2. It's all about energy resources. The world has a finite amount of energy supplies, and the world's remaining superpowers are scrambling to lay claim to them.

    Stay tuned.

  3. Why are you even asking this question since it seems that the point is not to learn something you didn't know before but to try and reinforce the decision that you have already made? I only say this because you've grouped John McCain, a senator, and George Bush, the President. Obama is also a senator and so is Hillary but you don't mention them. Also just on a side note I would like to let you know that there is a war going on in Afghanistan as well.

    Now if you could please explain to me what you would have done different to prevent Russia from invading Georgia? If you are an evil Republican who takes bribes from big oil and does nothing but make things work for the hard working middle class what would you do? Want a life line to call Michael Moore on what you should say next? Quit blaming people in positions that you could never hope to achieve and stop thinking that everyone else's job is so easy. If it was so simple then you'd be delivering State of the Union speeches instead of posting on Yahoo Answers.  

  4. No it doesn't.  The Russian invasion of Georgia shows two things:

    1) Ethnic conflicts that go back 100's years have not been resolved in the last 8.

    2) Spheres of influence still exist.

    I am not a fan of Bush, but you need to look harder for disparaging information.

  5. It's true that the unnecessary war in Iraq has severely weakened the ability for the US to react to situations that may require military action, but the situation in Georgia requires more of a political reaction by the US and Europe/NATO.  In either case, the Bush Jr. administration has fallen short, which is interesting considering that Republicans are supposed to get stiffies when there's a potential for sending US troops in harms way for no good reason, besides making Halliburton shareholders wealthy.

  6. You have a valid point re: Bush-he has IMHO been almost monomaniacal about Iraq.  However, you absolutely cannot link the Bush and McCain foreign policies.  This aspect is one of the reasons the neo-cons don't like McCain.

    Maybe you need to look at little harder at what Sen McCain has said and is still saying about Russia:

    -He opposed the "my pal Vladimir" baloney that Bush was spouting about.  He certainly wished to work with Russia as a state, but realizing their aspirations and the US' may clash.

    - He opposed and still opposes the inclusion of Russia in the G8 without REAL democratic reform.  In fact, he's been calling for their expulsion after the Georgian War.

    - He is not overly in favor of the missile plan in Europe, seeing that the Russians, understandably would think it aimed at them.

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