
Does the fact that oil prices have risen due to Gustav make you wonder if off shore drilling is really safe ?

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Infernal Disaster ...I'd prefer not to have some accident washing up on my beach and ruining the fishing




  1. Sigh....does the sight of an autowreck make you stop driving your car?

  2. You know you got a good point there.  We should just cut and run from any situation that might be difficult.  A few hurricanes a year are certainly cause.  Good show my man.

  3. Nope.  It is safe.

    Ever seen an oil platform? I have. They are built for that type of extreme weather.

    Accidents can happen sure, but you can't base every decision on abstract fear.

  4. Does the fact that oil prices have risen due to Gustav make you wonder if off shore drilling is really safe ?

    Answer: Not one bit! Oil prices rise and fall at the whim of oil speculators and has nothing to do with the safety of offshore oil rigs, which have a long history of surviving hurricanes, tornadoes, and typhoons.

  5. Airplanes fly into 'Cains for humidity readings,

  6. There is NO oil shortage.  Prices go up either when nervous traders are afraid they can't get oil when they want it, or when there is a bull market and prices go up because prices are going up.

    The government controlled corporate media, on the other hand, want you to believe that there is an oil shortage all of a sudden.  Corporate owned politicians and their bosses want to use high gasoline prices (which again, have nothing to do today with the supply of oil) as an excuse to convince Americans to support something that is SOLELY to Big Oil's benefit.  They want to encourage the thinking that if all of a sudden we do the things that were a bad idea in the past (more offshore oil drilling) the price of my gasoline will go down.  And they will probably be successful doing this. People aren't very bright generally and so they are easily manipulated by corporations, the corporate owned government, and the corporate owned media.

  7. It's perfectly safe...The rigs were shut down for Personal safety reasons, and the Oil Company hiked the price because they could...We al know the refineries are behind, and oil is sitting offshore, but this is their way of making a little more.

  8. Two different concepts. Gustav will assist the country with energy conservation, but I think it has nothing to do with offshore drilling.

    I will be looking at this later on.. could you explain how Gustav would impact offshore proposals?

  9. Offshore drilling is safe. Oil prices are definitely going to rise because oil prices are based on future expectation. The futures market is hard to explain, but anything that threatens the oil supply will drive prices up.

  10. I do not understand why the Government does not pressure the oil companies to uncap these wells that were drilled in the 70's. The reports are a 200 year supply. Geologist have confirmed that the off shore drilling has relieved pressure that caused seepage from oil deposits that lay below the oceans floor. 20 years ago in Ca. we would have what we called tar all over the beaches. There is none now. I know you are talking about damage to the platforms and a leak, but the ocean seeps more oil a day into the oceans than we could ever drill. Here is the search page link for Gull Island. It is five miles from Prudoe Bay. Read any number of articles

    Jimbo below. Here, you might enjoy this search page link

  11. Ya know, that's hard question to answer.  Al Gore says it isn't but then he's never worked one day in or for an oil company.  Nor has he ever been seen on an oil rig.  He does however own some stock in oil companies so I guess that makes him an expert on oil.  On the other hand, you could drive down to the beach and ask some of those folks that have lived on the coast all this time if they've had a big load of oil from an oil rig wash up on their beach in say the last 20 or more years.  I don't think you'll find anyone that will say yes. You could also, google some satellite photos and see if there's any oil on any of the beaches around the country.  After you've done that, do you think maybe the oil companies might just know what they're doing?  Or do you think the oil companies want to spend millions of dollars to just watch oil wash up on the beach somewhere?  I'll bet that's really profitable for them.  Duhhhhhhhhh!

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