
Does the fact the economy is rising help or hurt the Obama campaign?

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McSame isn't so bad. I would like to go on the record as saying

"Yes we McCan",HPIB:2006-29,HPIB:en&q=economy+up+3%2e3%25




  1. If the economy rebounds now, it's going to kill Obama's chances right quick.

  2. Hmmm, where do you live and what are you basing that assumption on?  Gas went down a few cents and the stock market is up a few points?  I haven't seen a difference other than it cost me about 10 bucks less to fill my tank.  Not that I am complaining about that, it helps but we are still being gouged.

  3. I'll tell you what.

    If the economy magically improves in the next couple of weeks before the election - a few people might be suckered into thinking 'hey - I really want four more years of GWB policies'.

    Then again - any of them that are that stupid are already voting GOP.

    I mean, they've already managed to ignore the nearly 1 trillion dollars in debt for Dubya & d**k's war that was supposed to pay for itself with oil revenues...

    What's a little bit more delusion?

  4. Happens every election time. That is why I plan my road trips in October. Republican know that they cannot win with the issues but they can give a false feel that thinks are turning around. We have to look at the whole 8 years of the Republican rule not three months.  

  5. unfortunately no it wont hurt them.  it can only hurt them if its reported, and it wont be covered with any gusto.

  6. The economy is rising??? Yea right?!  The economy is still horrible and will continue to be as long as BUSH is in office!

  7. Rising?  You must live at home with your parents.

    The GNP may be up... but so are Prices... inflation is up...

    Edit... Inflation down???? HAHAHA! Check your sources!

    Check out the CPI... it's up for July.... not down.

    Now just go back to your video games and ask your mommy for some cereal.  Only responsible adults should talk economics.

  8. Rising?  The analysts are saying that we haven't hit bottom yet. You are referring to the effects of the stimulus checks for one quarter.  

  9. Anything that is good for America is bad for Obama. Just look how they salivated over Gustav. Pathetic.

  10. It hurts the Obama campaign. The Dems are the party of doom and gloom. They count on things being bad for our country during an election cycle.

  11. This economy is abysmal for those making under $250,000 per year

    and these people are sharing the brunt of the tax breaks that the GOP has given those making MORE !!!

  12.   Rising.  It was all over the news that Bush only talked about the one good piece of his flaw good news.  The only month consumer spending rose is after the tax rebates were given.  The next month they went flat again.  This month they are down.  Get you facts right.

  13. I think it could. But not necessarily. Many of the people I know who are voting for Obama don't stay aware of what is going on the economy. I recently took Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, and this has made the election particularly interesting for me. It's cool to really be able to understand what they are talking about. It's just a shame that Obama doesn't seem to understand economics. Not saying he isn't intelligent, but he ought to do a bit more studying before he promises the impractical.

    That said, he still has a better understanding than the general public. It's scary. When stocks go down a little, people freak out and think we're in a recession. They don't even bother to find out what actually defines a recession. Things aren't exactly great right now, but it could be a h**l of a lot worse.

  14. it has beeen going up the whole time jsut the media is still trying to say the economy is in the tank it should be illegal for the media to claim that......and yes it is going to hurt him

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