
Does the fate of the League of Nations show that the UN cannot prevent major international conflicts /?

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I would like my answers to contain critical analysis of the United Nations, its weaknesses, successes and likely reform. Also i would like the answers to evaluate the role of the League of Nations. Critical analysis if the United Nations can prevent the eruption of major international conflicts.




  1. Well, we invaded Iraq when most of the united nations was against the plan.  What does that tell you

  2. NO, it shows that a without the participation of the United States, the League was unable to prevent major international conflicts.

    I suggest that the UN does a good job at preventing conflicts.  We do not know how many conflicts are preventing by the simple fact that nations have a place to negotiate outside the public eye.

    Look at the 53 years of  UN history.  How many "major" conflcits were there?

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