
Does the fermentation process to make ethanol produce more co2 than burning gasoline?

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Does the fermentation process to make ethanol produce more co2 than burning gasoline?




  1. The co2 emitted during making and burning of ethanol is as much as the plants took out of the air to begin with. It is carbon dioxide neutral.

    But it doesn't matter, global warming isn't real.

  2. the thing with ethanol is it completes the carbon cycle, Every co2 molecule released by fermentation and combustion was taken from the atmosphere *recently, unlike gasoline. Fermentation does produce CO2 and together with burning the alcohol it is probably about the same co2 emissions as gasoline.

    *this word was included so some denier doesn't argue with me.

  3. i am not sure about how much Co2 it makes in a car.....but to give you some idea of how great a fuel it is...........

    1 small pitcher of hard corn kernals put into a furnace designed to burn it, can heat a typical house for a day and a half...........  (depending on the temperature outside of course).......... and produce about a coffee cup full of ashes as waste.

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