
Does the fish know that the water is wet?

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Does the fish know that the water is wet?




  1. Fish haven't been out side of water so they wouldn't know. But for dolphins they can tell the difference because they jump out of the water. =)

  2. Well ... wet is just a word you use to describe water. A fish doesn't describe anything to itself, nor then claim to know more about it because it can describe it.

  3. In general most of the fishes do not know that water is wet, there is one very lame answer for it and that is because they don't call it wet in their language or maybe they don't even have this kind of moist related words on their dictionaries. But maybe some enlighten fishes do know that water is not the only reality that exists; they know that there are other worlds outside their box.

    How would have you described the properties rooted into the word wet if you were not pre-told the meaning and nature of the word wet?

  4. What a great question.

    For a fish, we do not know if..

    ... it knows what water is...

    ... it knows what 'wet' means (in whatever framework it conceptualises)

    ... if it has the notion of adjectives and nouns (that is to say, objects and ways to describe them)

    ... it is knows of the 'present'.. being a framework within which senses have an immediacy of now-ness.

    So unless we are being arrogant we cannot say 'no'... but that is not the same as saying 'yes'..

    If we are being arrogant, we can say with certainty that it does not conceptualise as a human does and so the words in your question can have no meaning and so the answer is 'no'.

  5. As opposed to the fish knowing if the air is dry? Yeah, I believe fish do!

  6. if the fish was never taught, it wouldnt no the difference between air and water, but it would probably no the difference existed

  7. If the fish has never been dry then it has nothing to compare with wet so I don't think that the fish know wet from dry.

  8. All creations of a Transcendent Being

    are created with complete cognizance

    of all things necessary for their existence.

    Therefore, water being necessary to the

    existence of a fish, one may conclude

    the fish is aware of the consistency of water

    and the wetness thereof.

  9. A fish would ask you, do you know that air is dry?

    (If a fish was capable of speech or rational thought)

    Many the standards by which we evaluate our world are formed by the baselines established by our experience. For example, the first time the temperature drops close to freezing in the beginning of winter, everyone remarks how cold it is. After a long and extremely hard winter. people comment how much warmer it is when the temperature climbs slightly above freezing.

    In both cases, it is around 0 degrees Celsius outside. Whether or not you judge it as warm or cold is framed by your experience.

  10. oh my gosh thats a really good question =D

    but i have no clue lol

  11. I would say that the fish knows not that the water is wet, for to know wetness is to know dryness, and since fish don't experience dryness, they can't experience wetness.

    This precedes any discussion on the sense perception of the watery creature. You might say, what about the fish caught up on land, does that fish know dryness? Well, at that point a whole new discussion would commence. =] Interesting question.

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