
Does the friction of s*x damage sperm?

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Once the sperm is inside of you, does the friction damage it?




  1. I hate to be so blunt but, once sperm are in the v****a they swim their little guts out to get wherever it is they think they are going.  I have never heard the friction can damage them.  Only highly acidic environment and saliva.  So make sure you don't use it for lubrication.  Good Luck!

  2. Well, normally you're not still "doing it" after the sperm gets up in there (if you know what I mean...)  However, the sperm that gets to the opening the quickest is the one that is most likely to get to the egg, so it shouldn't matter about any others that are in the vaginal canal.  I wouldn't stress it.  GL!

  3. Shouldn't, if you have nice fertile, eggwhite cervical mucus.

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