
Does the fuel tank size include reserve??

by Guest34302  |  earlier

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Just wondering about the fuel tanks, when it says for example you have a 10liter tank with 2 liter reserve. Does this make it 12 liters total or is your tank 8 liters and 2liters reserve??




  1. Normally, the stated tank size includes any reserve, many of the newer bikes don't have reserve, just an idiot light telling You to look for fuel.

  2. Yes, it is generally included in the specification.

    13Liters/3 Liters reserve, which indicates for normal driving, you get 10 liters.

  3. Yes full capacity

  4. yes it does, so a 10 liter tank is 2 liters of reserve and  8 liters

    before the low fuel warning fuel light comes on

  5. If it says 12 L tank with a 1 L reserve, it means the tank total capacity is 12 L -11 L until you have to switch to the 1 L reserve.  To visualize how it works- think of 2 straws (like from McDonald's) side by side.  1 is 3 inches tall the other is 1 inch tall.  Normally the engine is being fed from the 3in straw.  If the level goes down to below 3in that straw can no longer pump gas through it. So when you switch to the reserve it starts getting through the 1in straw giving you access to whats left in the tank.  Newer bikes don't have a manual switch for reserve, they now have either a fuel gauge or a warning light telling you that you are getting low of fuel.  The warning light often has two stages: it will flash when you have say 3l left and stay on solid when you have only 1l left.

  6. Some newer bikes don't even have reserve

    its the total capacity that is measured

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