
Does the game trading site Goozex work?

by  |  earlier

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My friend was telling me about this site which let you trade games to each other very cheaply. He also claimed you got a game free for signing up. Is this legit?




  1. Yes it does. In fact, it works great! You get 100 points and a buying token ($1) for signing up, enough for one game. It's also an incredible way to get new games if your a packrat game collector who never throws one away. It costs a buying token ($1) and points to buy game. If you sell a game you get points and have to pay shipping.

    I sincerely recommend it! Check it out here!


    ur friend was right. this site is safe and free and if you sign up with me you get ur first game free. thats 1 trade credit and 100pts. its really great my first game was sims deluxe edition fun fun. and all you have to do to get credits free is write a positive feedback, you get 200 pts and 2 trade credits. thats 3 free games right off the back. and if that process isn't fast enough you could buy points and creds but why waste money. also you can refer people like im doing.

    yahoos spell check says i miss spelled 6 words.

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