
Does the general public care about the actions of the bilderberg group on daily international politics?

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I keep asking people but no one seems to be interested. Does anyone have any advice




  1. A lot of people are sleep walking and can't see what is going on around them let alone what is going on in the world, they only ask questions if it affects them, so they would wake up until the food/petrol or whatever runs out, that's when they will sit up and take notice, people ask why is Brown distroying our country? they are oblivious to the fact that he is only taking orders from the Bilderberg Elite, who want a One World Order.

  2. To be honest with the questioner!A good many people have never heard of the Bilderberg Group!Let alone care about their actions!It would be safe to sum up with 'ignorance is bliss'!

  3. Despite its influence, most do not even know of its existence.

    Even you do not consider it worth capitalising.

  4. Money moves politics what can you say, but i dont bielieve bilderberg group is the most powerfull organization, most of the people in this group are employees even if they know it or not,  

  5. Only the conspiracy theorists...

  6. The General public is ill-informed/ignorant. Our politicians are in bed with the conspirators who wrongly think this is their world.  They forget it is OURS.  Too many people are weak, greedy and selfish. I fear for the future.  

  7. I care and wonder about their purpose.  They are so secretive that they "appear" to be a sinister group....especially since Donald Rumsfeld is a member.  If I find out that George Bush (both), d**k Cheney, are also members, along with Karl Rove, I'll know for sure they are up to no good!   What do you suggest we do to get them to explain themselves?  I'm sure they peddle their combined influence, since only the richest, most influential are invited to join.  

  8. Quit?

    When no one answers multiple times, you have your answer.  NO.  No one cares if a bunch of guys get together to talk business.  Why don't you go try to find a job, or do your homework, or something, and quit seeing a conspiracy everywhere to blame your personal failures on?

    EDIT:  Hey, Ding Dong - why is it YOUR world?  Doesn't the World, by the natural law I am sure you hold dear, belong to those who are able to take it and keep it?  I mean, when the big wolf comes and knocks the little wolf over to get at the dead deer....whose deer is it, really?

  9. the idiots on here wont care until they are living in a fema camp then we can say told you so.

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