
Does the girl or guy put the condom on for s*x?

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me n my bf are both 16 and ready for s*x. but i'm really dreading the awkward and embarrassing moments like putting the condom on. does the girl always have to put the condom on or is it usually the guy putting it on. i'm really confused!!




  1. wen your 16 your not ready and it doesnt matter who puts it on... let his mom or dad do it for him for that much

  2. Wow....

  3. The guy. I've never put the condom on for a guy and I've had my fair share of s*x. Don't mess up your first time by just laying there and stuff like that.. that's the awkward part.

  4. Hmm I think some people are misinterpreting this question... I don't think there's a set rule book on who puts the condom on, although usually it's the guy just because it's easier from his angle.

    Even though you're 16 and very young to be having s*x, good for you for thinking about contraception at least and asking these awkward questions. At the end of the day, it's your choice, so it's good that you want to make it an informed one.

  5. If you're asking such a silly question, you're not ready. How childish.

  6. um yea if you and your boyfriend are still having awkward moments good luck with having s*x...either or could put it on it doesn't matter

  7. you clearly are not old enough for s*x if you don't know who puts the condom on!  I am thirteen and i know.  TROLL?

  8. dont have s*x obvisouly your not mature enough!!!  

  9. If you're dreading the "awkward and embarrassing moments like putting the condom on" then you probably aren't ready for s*x. s*x should never be awkward or embarrassing... You should be comfortable and confident with you decision to have s*x and you shouldn't be "dreading" any part of it.

  10. you should do it

  11. It doesn't matter- you can't always predict it. Just make sure you know how to put one on and DO. That way you can't be taken by surprise and make a bad decision.

  12. it depends on if the girl is comfortable putting the condom on, some guy think its a turn on if the girl puts it on them. instead of being awkward just keep kissing while your putting it on

  13. either

    usually the guy puts it on

  14. I don't think it matters. In my whole life I have only put on one condom, and I hate having to do it. So I always tell my partner to do it himself.

  15. lol at the first answer. the guy does but you can if you want to turn him on

  16. Either way works! If your using a female condom, the girl should put it on. If you guys are using a regular condom, either person works. Ask your partner what he wants to do. You putting it on might help the erection stay longer.

  17. Heya

    Well for the first couple of times he will put it on so dont worry , after that its up to you. most times my boyfriend did but when i was in the mood i did a few times. its up to the individual. =] x*x

  18. The girl does because, you know, she's the one with the p***s..

  19. Usually guys have pratised before hand! But girls can do it too - it's the kind of thing you should be able to talk to your boyfriend about and be prepared to have a laugh over. You could always get one and practice yourself on a banana! Mind you, read the instructions in the packet cos you don't want it falling off!

  20. didnt you get s*x ed?

    Well the guy puts on the condom of course lol

    Number 2

    you are making the worst thing possible by having s*x at 16

    thats really wrong you shouldnt do it i mean pregnancy can happen by a little tiny rip of a condom. So wow this is an awful choice

    but the question s really obvious if you dont Know if the condom goes on the boy or girl Your defanintly Not ready For s*x

    Im a proud Virgin. :]


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