
Does the goverment do anything to help paper recycling.?

by Guest57986  |  earlier

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I need to know. do government people take it serious enough




  1. The obvious question might be whether there is any need for government intervention. We do have a lot of paper recycling, done by private companies for private profit.  We as consumers are often lax in making sure our paper discards make it to recycling, but is this a matter for government to try to force us to do what we should do?

    We have a choice to buy only papers that carry a given percentage post consumer recycled fibre. Are we consistent in doing that?

    Do we make it a point never to send to anyone mailings that present a problem for recycling where they are going?  We have the ability to do that, so why not do it?

  2. Besides printing some of their pamphlets on recycled paper, the government also gives out grants for local recycling projects! Thats how municipalities pay for their collection bins and run thier programs.  Contact you County Conservation Office to find out what your local area is doing and if they aren't recycling, start organizing a group to do so.

  3. Yes, they have a BIG roll of red tape.

  4. Paper recycling is bs, especially newsprint. Most of the newsprint that is supposed to be recycled is tossed into with the regular trash anyway. It cheaper to create newsprint from pulp than it is from recycled paper. It also uses less fresh water, energy and is less toxic to the environment (the byproduct of bleaching recycled newsprint is dioxin).

    Not all recycling is "good" for the environment.

  5. no they don't sad to say

  6. In San Francisco, Mayor Newsom has passed a law requiring City government building to start using recycled paper so yea at SF is taking it seriously.

  7. The government dosn't believe in recycling

  8. My township runs its own recycling program. Paper, cans, bottles, and two plastics are picked up twice a month or the material can be dropped off. The money earned helps to defray infrastructure costs.

  9. where there's muck there's brass lass.

    paper is the most profitable of recyclables, thats why it took off first. its easy to collect, sort, store and reprocess, and fetches a good, fairly stable, price.

  10. I am the head of the student council at my school which is relatively large. In my opinion, why waste your time on worrying about the government. Instead of talking about the situation DO something about it. At my school we are recycling every possible piece of paper and we are using an empty classroom as our office. Over the weekend we come in and we have came up with a way to take paper already written on and then make it into a brand new NOT written on piece of paper again. It is a long process but if the government isn't doing anything than we might as well do what we can as people on earth. I go to many doctors also. they use a lot of paper so they shred everything they would throw away and give it to me to recycle. goodluck

  11. In 1995, we received a $5 million dollar (US) grant from the State of Michigan to build our state of the art recycling plant.  The remainder of the financing for the plant (about $100 million) was done through tax free muncipal bonds.  We were just one of many plants that were enabled by the various states.

    Our plant (like many) stopped production in early 2001 due to a lack of demand for recycled products from the public.  The government people took it seriously - the public did not.


    concerning one of the posts above, recycled newsprint DOES NOT produce dioxin in bleaching.  Dioxin comes from a chlorine bleaching process, and newsprint is not bleached with chlorine; either hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydrosulfate, or thiourea dioxide are your choices for bleaching np.

    Dioxin can be a bi-product in kraft bleaching when elemental chlorine is used - the trend is rapidly moving away from using that.  Again, the public is slowing that down by demanding high bright papers that need elemental chlorine.   Chose an 88 brite paper for your copier instead of 92!

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