Why is it the government can spend billions on weapons, space travel, and war, but the government cant be more responsible and spend it in health care or homeless shelters. I'm not against the war and I have nothing against the US soldiers fighting for our freedom, that is the path they chose. But I'd refuse to fight for a country that didn't take care of it's citizens. George Bush, being the president, cant even stand up like a president and do something about Americas economy. And everyone complaining about gas prices being over now $4.10 a gallon. Why are you going to complain about something for so long knowiting it will get worse, but do nothing about it. In the 60's and 70's Americans fought for their rights. Now America is so spoiled, we are too scared to stand up. History proves that if something the citizens wanted fixed and the government didn't comply, they got out and protested until an agreement was made. What's so different now huh? Nothing. Just more spoiled Americans.