
Does the government abandon America and it's Citizens?

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Why is it the government can spend billions on weapons, space travel, and war, but the government cant be more responsible and spend it in health care or homeless shelters. I'm not against the war and I have nothing against the US soldiers fighting for our freedom, that is the path they chose. But I'd refuse to fight for a country that didn't take care of it's citizens. George Bush, being the president, cant even stand up like a president and do something about Americas economy. And everyone complaining about gas prices being over now $4.10 a gallon. Why are you going to complain about something for so long knowiting it will get worse, but do nothing about it. In the 60's and 70's Americans fought for their rights. Now America is so spoiled, we are too scared to stand up. History proves that if something the citizens wanted fixed and the government didn't comply, they got out and protested until an agreement was made. What's so different now huh? Nothing. Just more spoiled Americans.




  1. The problem is that for every thing the government get involved in - you have to give up some of your freedoms.

    If you want government to provide your health care - then you lose the right to make your own health care decisions.

    Opening up more homeless shelters does nothing to resolve the issues of substance abuse and mental illness that is the cause of most people becoming homeless.

    In fact - I prefer private charities running homeless shelters anyway simply because they are more efficient and better able to identify the truly needy.

    BTW - can you tell us exactly what policies you expect the President to implement in order to 'fix the economy?'

  2. You're right. Institute a draft and you'll see protesters come out of the wood work. In my opinion it's the conservative mind-set of individualism. The only way to take care of our citizens and our environment is through collective engagement. Everything in this country, at this point, revolves around the money and profit. Principle has been lost. It's like we're in the middle of a vast ocean...drifting aimlessly, and to right this ship... we all need to come together.

  3. "Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

    Americans have become like lobsters languishing in a pot of lukewarm water. We're far too fat and comfortable. So we won't start screaming in agony over our own apathy until the water starts boiling.

    Until Americans get off their collective couches, put down their remotes and stand up for their country, the cowardly politicians will continue to do nothing except let the private power rule.* Politicians are nothing more than charlatans; they don't have much wisdom or patriotism (I recently watched a Congressman stand while the Pledge of Allegiance was being recited. He didn't know the words!).

    In 2006 I wrote a blog called "BUSHWACKER!" which was a fictitious account of a hi-tech revolutionary group which killed off the President, Vice President and most members of Congress. The blog still stands at, wherein a 'Presidential Triumvirate' was established consisting of John McCain, Barack Obama and Colin Powell.

    *"The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling private power." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

    We have allowed our country to be taken over by special interests, corporations and wealthy elitists. Until we finally jump out of the lobster pot and take collective action, the state of our democracy is in serious peril. -RKO-  06/27/08

  4. I guess you just answered your own question but if you want my view then you only need to understand that people if different economic arenas can't understand the difficulties of being poor.

  5. Spoiled? I don't know about anyone else but i have worked hard for what I have. I DON'T NEED THE GOVERNMENT for anything. T he constitution gives me the rights i need and I have and will defend the Constitution with my life. As for the 60s and 70s, you had a bunch of social misfits that wanted to do nothing for themselves. They wanted the government to do it for them. Do it for yourself and you will never have a problem. Expect someone else to do it for you and you will always be disappointed.

  6. "Spoiled" is different from being too scared to stand up, isn't it?  

    And while I also support our troops, I think they should be brought home.  What better support is there than that?  What they're doing is not helping our country one bit; in fact, it's making the situation worse.

    I agree that the priorities are screwed up, but there are people who voted for GW Bush twice (I'm proud to say I'm not one of them).  It was very clear where  he was coming from, and calling himself "compassionate" does not make him so.  You can speak up all you want, but the politicians--all of them--are going to pay much more attention to PACs and lobbyists, because that's where the money is, and they need money to be they can get more money...  

    Term limits, anyone?

  7. With regards to healthcare, yes.

    Despite spending more money on healthcare PER PERSON than any other country in the world, the USA has the western worlds highest death rate for kids aged under five.

    American kids healthcare has been ignored by government.  Is that something to be proud of?

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