
Does the government have a program to help with prescription drugs for my wife,she is 46?

by  |  earlier

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i am 65 and have no coverage except medicare,she has no ins




  1. a lot of the pharmacutical companies have programs that will pay for her meds you can go on line and feel out applications just type in prescription help and it will take you to some companies.

  2. I know in the UK there is a system that helps ... but you have to get a certificate from your doctor.... also if you are a social benefit claimant then this fact will help with not having to pay .... I suggest you speak with your doctor and/or your local social security centre......

  3. The pharmaceutical companies all have prescription help programs. Look up the company who makes the drug.

    Sorry, most government help is no help at all.

    The other thing is medications may be low cost or free due to your income, BUT!!!  The test strips are not in that catagory. The glucometers are usually free, but the test strips are very expensive. Average cost of test strips is $1.25 per strip and multiply that by 4 per day as per doctors orders and it gets really expensive in a hurry.

  4. I am pretty confident that there is some kind of government aid diabetics can apply for.  I would check your states welfare website for more help/info.  

  5. Couple of things you can do because No the government has no help to offer.....check into generic drugs....many pharmacies now offer generics at four dollars a, target, and i think cvs is now too....If there isn't a generic form for her prescription, most drug companies (check out who makes the drug) can offer a discount or even free if you meet the income requirements....I have a discount from Phizer that gives me about forty dollars off my prescription....which is better than nothing....

    Yahoo search: help with prescription drugs

  6. There is a program.  Montel Williams is spokesman for it.  Let me see if I can find it on his web site.

    I found these:

  7. Move to England.

    The Government here always helps health tourists.

    They help anyone except their own.

    If your wife has Diabetes, then surely the drugs are essential and you should recieve help regardless.

  8. that I know of no. but the drug companies themselves will help you based on your income. google search prescription assistance. good luck

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