
Does the government in general look out for its people?

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Who looks out for the community? Is it the police? Is it the mayor? Should people of america be doing more to help each other? If we look out just for ourselves won't we be defeated by those who rule the world?




  1. the government doesnt look out for us.

    we should look out for each other and be active in our communities and own local governemnts to try to improve life that way

  2. It looks out for the people who work for it; not the people it governs, as a whole.

  3. The government goes a great job of looking out for you.....

    if you are .....

    Halliburton, ExxonMobil, Blackwater, etc.

  4. No, the government is of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

    The odd thing is the rich have convinced half the poor to vote against themselves, go figure.

  5. Governments look out for economy and the rights of business to keep America moving ahead(suppose to look out for the people too) then the states each have rights for their state and each town has rights for their town so if you want to do more than start local and branch out.

  6. The government's job is to do what they think is best for the greatest amount of people, not necessarily each and every community. The communities are taken care of by the state govt, not the fed govt. Looking out for ourselves solves nothing, while looking out for others is more productive, efficient and unifying.

    Unfortunately, the US is a capitalist nation and doesn't support "looking out for each other" as much as it should (then again, neither does Communism). It's a dog-eat-dog country where the successful thrive. There are plenty of communities in our country, however, who have chosen the right leaders and have come together to help one another and that's what our country should strive for.

  7. A part of the role of government is to ensure the welfare of its people. Individuals, churches, and corporations are simply not suited to conduct this activity in the place of government. Sadly, in general, they serve their own ends of power and wealth accumulation and are unable to morally police themselves. To break down the support structures of government and to hand it out piecemeal would lead to corruption, misuse, anarchy, and radical abuse of critical powers -- something it seems we've had a taste of in current times.

  8. The American government is like a big beast, which lives on money, and you the people feed it, it's called the Federal Reserve Bank.  It is not part of the government, it is 'Private', there is NO law that say you have to pay it TAX, but you do, and this has made it very rich, it has taken all your gold, and given you paper, and now it's making that paper worthless, yet you continue to feed it.  Who is the 'Dummy?'.

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