
Does the government really think they can cut out illegal downloading?

by  |  earlier

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We have been hearing for so long that the government will stop people downloading music without paying (illegally) but how on earth can they stop it? So many companies and websites would be totally shut down....




  1. The bigger the company the bigger the fall. It happens occasionally and ISP's will realise that it is easier to prosecute the individual than being prosecuted themselves. You want to download illegally, go ahead. It's against the law and like everyone who breaks the law, accept the consequences if you get caught.

    It's amazing on here how many people have a go at others who break the law, yet there are other people who do so if they prefer not too. Downloading and uploading is illegal and yet they feel they have a right to do it!!

  2. It looks more like divert the attention of the people from something else. Look at page ten of your papers people and see what scam they are hiding.

  3. I'm in total agreement with you here. First off there are bigger fish to fry. Secondly, if they wanted to crack down and be unbiased they would have to arrest over 100 million people for illegal downloading. I'm not seeing that happening because I personally guaruntee there are law enforcement officers who have illegally downloaded.

    To track down illegal downloaders wouldn't be that hard. Just subpoena all illegal downloading sites for the registered users IP information and you track the physical address the IP is coming from. That gives law enforcement probable cause to search the address for items listed in the search warrant they write.  

    Done and done,

    Let me quickly retort, it would cost billions upon billions to do, it would NOT be worth it, and it would waste time Law enforcement could spend going after serious felons.

  4. The government is a huge collection of morons. Look how well the war on drugs is going.

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