
Does the governor of the state of California have to pay for gasoline?

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If so, how much? What are some other perks for governors?




  1. for personal use, yes. Same as everyone else.

  2. No, governors get all their transportation paid for by the state.  As do presidents, senators and congressmen.  This is why they never know what gas costs.  

    The governor also gets a huge mansion to live in, free medical care, a chef to cook his meals and people to do his shopping.  So he doesn't know what -anything- costs.

    I am always reminded of something Nelson Rockefeller said in the early 70s when he was vice president under Gerald Ford.  He was on a news interview program, making some point about the economy.  He said 'Now you take your average middle class working guy, making maybe $100,000 a year . . . '.  Your average middle-class working guy in 1973 made more like $7000 a year.  It just showed how far out of touch billionaires and government leaders are with the lives of the people they pretend to work for.

  3. when his kids drive his cars ill bet he has fill up rules

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