
Does the hair on your head grow at the same rate as the hair on the rest of your body? The legs for example?

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Does the hair on your head grow at the same rate as the hair on the rest of your body? The legs for example?




  1. Head hair does indeed grow faster than leg hair and pubic hair. But that does not explain why we don't have pubic hair down to our ankles.

    Each hair on our head grows for a certain time (up to perhaps 7 years) then falls out. Pubic and other hairs grow for a much shorter time before falling out. (thank goodness!)

  2. I really hope not, last thing i want is to be making braids out of my armpits LOL

    Honestly, i'm not sure but you may be onto something there

  3. Erm nope.. Hair on you head grows faster that any other hair growing on your body, otherwise your eyebrows would be as long as your normal hair!

    & This is because we have different types of hair growing in different parts of our body:

    Lanugo, the fine hair that covers nearly the entire body of fetuses.

    Vellus hair, the short, fine, "peach fuzz" body hair that grows in most places on the human body in both sexes.

    Terminal hair, the fully developed hair, which is generally longer, coarser, thicker, and darker than vellus hair.

  4. No. The highest speed of your hair growth is in the areas of head, chin (for men), pubis and axillary creases.

    It also may be interesting for you to know that the process of hair growth is especially active in spring and summer. Finally, this growth is slower at night than during the daytime.

  5. hair grows quicker the shorter it is. So if you shave your hair it will grow quicker, if you leave it to get long it will grow slower. But if you have no hair it will grow slower, for example if you wax or pluck it will grow slower. Which is why lots of women choose to wax or epilate.

  6. Hair all grows at the same rate,but hair on different parts of your body has different life expectancies..

      Eye brows,lashes and body hair all last about the same time that's why their length remains nominal.

      The hair on you head and face doesn't seen to have any particular life span and could eventually grow to the ground.

      Hair falls out all the time and regrows,in the case of baldness the follicle dies and that hair will not grow again.

  7. Hair growth also can be affected by your nutrition and health.

    Leg hair growth may be more noticeable, since you have only the distance to your skin to compare it to.

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