
Does the head explode when you get shot in the head?

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I mean they always show them in video games and in some movies, but in real life situation, does it really happen?




  1. I am surprised how many females answered this question.  The lady who cites eggghh. Ohhh eeeeghhhh. ahhhh yeah......any who.  Pancakes anyone?

  2. I think it is in the type of gun like shotgun, your head will really explode just what i see in, the man's head exploded and it's brain is like a jelly that are scattered.

  3. depends how big and what type of bullet it is

  4. The movies show it happening different ways,

    depending on the purpose of the scene.

  5. mine did

  6. it can, there's allot of factors involved like speed and size , weight and type of  projectile.

    A fast moving, small caliber projectile, like a 222 swift, upon impacting a target, comprised mainly of water and that weighs less than 20 pounds has an effect much like popping a balloon, that is a very large entry wound and a small exit wound. It's called the "Hydrostatic shock effect".  

    But, a large round like the 50 BMG can do this as well because of the size of the round and the area covered in the first nanoseconds of the impact,

    the shotgun fires many projectiles at once and at close range is devastating. The 12 gauge (00) buck shot is made of 7 to 9 9mm projectiles all hitting at once. that just rips everything apart.

    So, It could happen, but allot of things have to be accounted for.

  7. random lol to much T.V!...well anyways dont think so.............

  8. What kind of a question is that?

  9. your a di*khead  .......................

  10. Let's see ......... now don't move!

    Have enough free time?

    Can they be BLUE Berry pan cakes, please !!! :)

    Always about SIZE, huh, Fund?  ;)

  11. Depends on your weapon, your distance, and your aim.

  12. yeh sure it does sweety, pigs can fly too you know! also you do know the boogey monster exists

  13. Not necessarily

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