
Does the head gear for boxing completely guard you from being injured?

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Me and my friends want to start boxing each other. We are 18 years old. It is about 10 of us. We are all buying are own set of boxing gloves and the head gear and a mouth piece. We will be back yard boxing. Could we brake our noses or get hurt wearing the boxing head gear or is it safe?




  1. Yes you can very easily break you nose while wearing head gear.  Head gear dosent cove your nose.  Headgear really wont stop you from getting hurt you can still get a black eye a broken jaw and a swollen lip.

  2. also, you can still acquire a closed-head injury or suffer neck problems, have fun.

  3. Yes you can get hurt & break yalls nose. Do any of yall have any boxing expeirence?

  4. Absolutely Not. It only stops from getting your Jaw Broke, Eye's Split Open, Era Drum's Busted, and other facial cuts. Your Nose can still be broken, you can still get "Punchy" which is just another name for Brain-Damage, And you can still get Knocked Out, Just a little harder. If your Back-Yarders" as I call them, You will have fun as long as no-one looses their minds. It's tough now I am not gonna lie to you! Guy's will get knocked out, Noses will get broke, But thats the price the sport demands if your gonna play it. It's how I started out a million years ago, Fighting with my 7 Brothers and friends in the Back Yard, lol. I Fought for the U.S. Army later in life, and won several Championships doing so. To think it all started in my back yard still gives me a laugh. We had some really good times doing it back then. Just dont get carried away, which can be easy if someone gets an attitude, or gets too-serious! Remember, Your not trying for Title Belts, Your just back-yarders having a good time, dont try to take each others heads off, lol. Hope this helped, and be carefull men. Take Care.

  5. The human head is not meant to be pummeled mercilessly...Brain and neck injury is what I would be worried about...

  6. it is possible to break your nose but it would be hard to do. remember that you have on face gear and you are punching with gloves. i would buy the lightest gloves you can find for speed.

  7. It will not protect you from any body punches which could result in damage to kidneys, liver, spleen, or even death.

  8. Yeah you could break your nose. You could also get a black eye, busted lip, & a broken jaw(possibly).

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