
Does the holiday jab for cuba make you ill?

by Guest32932  |  earlier

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I am going to Cuba and have been told that the holiday jab the nurse gives you makes you throw up afterwards and gives you the runs.

Is this true.




  1. I have been to Cuba twice and i am going again in two weeks time.I have never had a jab and have never fallen ill.Dont listen to the negative propaganda.Cuba is a wonderful country,the people are friendly and kind and i found the food wonderful no shortage of anything so have a great time.

  2. Recommended jabs for Cuba are   Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and make sure that Your Tetanus and Polio boosters up to date. Whoever administers these should not give you more than 2 in the same day and not on the same arm.  When I had the jabs I never threw up or had the 'runs'.  

  3. It's been my good fortune to make several trips to Cuba, never once have I got any shots and never had a  problem.  unlike many islands Cuba is very health conscious.  It's one of the few Caribbean islands where you can rest assured health standards are high.Go and enjoy.

  4. I work in health and, yes, vaccinations can make you feel ill afterwards. Some are more sensitive than others. And they do not always help in preventing illness.

    Despite ongoing economic troubles and shortages, Cuba's healthcare system remains one of the best in Latin America. The country takes extremely proactive steps toward preventive public health, and common tropical diseases like cholera, malaria, and dengue fever are either uncommon or have been totally eradicated. You don't need any vaccinations to travel to Cuba, unless you are coming from a region with cholera or yellow fever, in which case the Cuban authorities will require proof of immunization.

    Cuba is very clean and hygenic. I have NEVER gotten sick in Cuba. Naturally, you would need to be a smart traveller and take care when away from home. People often get sick while on vacation anywhere because it's a known fact that they can be a little careless and think that they can be 'on vacation' from what their health routines are. Washing hands before eating (especially while on the beach), washing after using the facilities, making sure you eat properly cooked food, and drinking bottled water are all important, common sense necessities. Even though the water in Cuba is generally potable, it is recommended for bottled water. Ask for 'agua mineral sin gas'.

    Make sure you book at hotels that are no less than 4* to ensure quality of food, accomodation, services, cleanliness, etc.

    You don't need any type of holiday jabs for Cuba. But I would suggest taking your vitamins/minerals to keep your immune system up, especially because travelling can be an adjustment for some people's bodies. Drink lots of water for being in the hot sun. Some can have the 'runs' just because they've overdone it in the heat.

    I might also suggest (if you like natural remedies), homeopathic immunizations...they have no side effects and protect against serious diseases. Otherwise, just take your regular vitamins to keep you healthy and strong.

    You will be fine.

    Have an amazing time in Cuba!

  5. Not necessarily, but Cuba is ruled by the last and oldest tyranny in America

    Last time I returned there, in the airport the agent of the MIN INT ( internal secret police ) who received me was very suspicious because I was traveling only with a little bag

    I was wondering whether they would leave me in Villa Marista hotel

    It seems that somebody had recently went in a similar way and put a bomb or something like that

    To Tropical

    You know, I am a physician, and I know the Cuban health service very well. You must weigh one good thing against the bad things.

    I believe that somebody mentioned that dictatorships have something good as a rule. Despite that, they have so many bad things that most people don;t want it

  6. The best advice is not to go to Cuba!

    The country is very poor, with trade embargoes still in place, food is rationed even to the hotels, and good party members get to stay for a free holiday in the hotel, that you have paid good money to stay in,

    If the food then runs out then that's too bad!

    Tea bags are hard to come by, as the staff in the hotel sneak them home.

    What is left over from last night's dinner ends up mixed in with the breakfast!

    It's a terrible shame as it has the potential to be a wonderful holiday destination

  7. I went to Cuba a couple of years ago, and I didn't have any jabs and never got sick. If you are going to stay in the resort area or even one of the cities, then you will be quite safe, I think. The country may be poor, but I found standards of hygiene to be very high. If you going trekking or anything like that, then you will probably need to consider jabs, but otherwise, I wouldn't bother. Incidentally, most vaccinations will make you sick as a side effect because you are putting a small amount of the germ into your body, which your body fights off and thus becomes immune from future infections. So don't let that put you off having them if you need them. And don't listen to the people saying not to go at all because it is really a lovely country, if you're not interested in food too much. Take some hot sauce and your favourite treats to see you through!

  8. I have seen  lots of tropical islands but Cuba is the most wunderful place you can imagine.

    Yes it's a poor country and there's a lack of everything but the people

    is very kind. I have made a lot of fun and friendships.


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