
Does the host country pays for the embassies in it?

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I was just wondering which country pays for embassies. To me, it would look like a sign of partnership between the 2 countries if the host country paid for the embassy of the other country but maybe I am wrong. Does the country to which the embassy belongs pays for it or the country the embassy is in pays for it?

Thanks in advance.




  1. Most definitely not! It is the country whom the respective embassy is representing who pays not only for its upkeep but also its staff and personnel. As a matter of fact, the embassy is considered an extension of the country being represented and therefore a sovereign property that should be respected and protected by the host country in accordance with the UN Charter. Any unauthorized intrusion thereof, therefore, shall be considered as an act of war and a violation of international law.

    One incident, however, is worth mentioning here where the US embassy grounds and buildings were not only violated but also occupied for more than a year. And this was the occupation by students and Revolutionary Guards of the US embassy in Iran. It became one of the major reasons for President Carter then not to seek reelection - he was perceived to be a wimp - and for President Reagan and Republicans to capture the White House.

  2. Another thing to consider, How many countries (other than USA) have been attacked by a SINGULAR entity in the past 15 years? The USA has been attacked about 15 times by MUSLIMS. LEBANON< SYRIA<SAUDIA ARABIA<PENTAGON<TRADE CENTER<PENNSLYVANIA<USS COLE....MANY MORE...ALL OF THESE LOCATIONS ARE SOVERIGN US TERRITORY

  3. The country establishing an embassy abroad generally buys the land on which to construct the embassy building, and pays for all of the building and maintenance. The property is then considered to be a part of that country.

    That is why asylum seekers will go to a foreign embassy seeking protection, and once they have entered the grounds of that embassy, cannot be touched by the government of the nation they are in.

    However, the host country usually has an agreement with the diplomatic mission to allow them certain priveleges like not paying sales taxes, perhaps permission to buy discount fuel coupons, etc. So, in a way, they both benefit.

  4. No usually the country wanting the embassy pays for it.

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