
Does the human body produce THC naturally?

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  1. Guest44948

     Yes! It does! Anandamide! Look it Up! 


  2. so why does many organs in our bodys such as our brain and livers have THC receptors ? As discovered in the late 8-'s early 90's by scientist's ?
    The THC receptor in our brain is in or near the nerve controling part of the brain box !

    in fact there are studys being done by goverment scientists now , to find out what these receptors are for and does the body actually produce some form of THC when the nerveous system is placed under heavy stress ! i.e severe burning to the skin, or other nerve ending damage, wouldnt want to be a guiny pig tho !

    so a scientific answer would be : come back in 2 years after the studys are complete and definitive answer is published ..

    on a side note : if the goverment admitted our bodys created natural THC they would end up owing billions of pounds in compensation for people who were wrongly prosecuted specially were a drug test was used to secure a conviction ! all those done for driving under the influence could claim natural THC and would need to be excused ! LOL...

    smoke more weed :)

  3. no the human body does not produce thc naturally it is only present when doing such things as smoking marijuana or other ways of consuming weed

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