
Does the human race just love drama?

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Honestly do people just enjoy drama?

Rather it be soaps on tv or a football game.

If the world was at peace would people just get bored and start drama for no reason at all?




  1. Yes, it definitely does. It's why we like reading stories, watching movies and television, and even reading about celebrities in magazines (which is  stupid, btw.) Drama is entertaining, whether people like it or not.

    And when I say entertaining I don't always mean amusing. Because if people started drama after the world was at peace and it erupted into war, then it wouldn't be entertaining, exactly.  

  2. Yes they do, it gives them a pseudo adrenaline rush.

  3. Yes, some people feed off of it, kind of like stress which habitually keeps life going-more often than not.

  4. Humans love drama..

    Seriously, even at the political level, check out the drama between Russia, US and Georigia.

    That's a very bad drama \:

  5. People have emotions which makes them all different, so yes, they would start drama.  We just love to watch reality shows like Big Brother to see people fight and get romantic.  We are voyeurs who want to see trouble whether it be on tv or real life.

  6. not all

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