
Does the illuminati exsist and if so what is thier agenda?

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You hear tales of this shadowy cult but then the stories vanish.

I hope i don't vanish for asking this.




  1. i dont know if they exsist but i think they once did

    there goal was to bring down the catholic chruch

  2. yeah the illuminati exists...

    So does the Skulls and Bones...

    George Bush is a loyal member of the Skulls and Bones group did ya know?

    He probably joined 'because everybody else does it'

    ...conformin' coward...

  3. Possibly. If you want more info, I suggest a web search on the subject. You'll get tons of stuff.

  4. That is not what they are about.. Yes they are real and as for their agenda you have to become a member to find that out........................................

  5. You must be a member of the "Skull and Bones" if you want to be a world leader. Members of this "organization" I guess y ou would call it, apparently is a  very selelct group of people who basically, rule the world. I read a website about the "Illuminati" and it was very interesting. You would be surprised at the members.  And you would really be surprised on how much this group effects YOUR life.

  6. The Bavarian Illuminati no longer exist, and haven't done for years. Illuminati has now become the catch-all word for conspirac nuts who think various fraternal societies, such as the Bohemian Grovers, the Freemasons and Skull and Bones, are trying to take over the world.

    The Bavarian Illuminati were a group dedicated to study to enlighten and better themselves, thus being able to better humanity. This inveitably failed, most likely due to the realization that humanity could not be changed because it didn't want to be.

    And another point, to all you conspiracy nuts out there: you're too late. all thses so called groups who controleverything have already gotten hold of the world, they own it. The media groups and big chain store control oour every action, by dictating it to us, and we follow. you lose.

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