
Does the immigration raid in Mississippi prove that........?

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US companies can really rely on illegal immigrants. And just to set the record straight, it was 595 arrested. That's a big number for a stong US company that provides transformers for 190,000 technology related solutions. Another American company that's going to lose millions which is going to make another negative affect on this country. Are more immigrants going to replace them just like the meat packing plant in PA? while US citizens continue to collect un-employment. The un-employment was on the rise when the Meat Packing Plant was raided, so where were the Citizens who claim illegals took their job? Will this be the same case?

U.S. immigration cops nab 595 in largest-ever raid;_ylt=AmdAYWC2yc_rL_Qyi2VCDQ9Quk0A




  1. It proves that there are too many criminal invaders in this country and a$$hole companies that will hire them!

  2. Yes, they can rely on illegals to get rich, in fact almost any company with menial work can rely on illegals to line their pockets, if they all hired illegals, you can say by by to the U.S. as we know it today.  Fortunately most employees have morals and values. And people think the economy sucks now LOL>

  3. That's a great question. I suspect my fellow Mississippians will continue to sit on their collective a$$es in great numbers. As long as the government is passing out checks for food, shelter and medical expenses they have little incentive to work. Some have pride in themselves but there are many that are simply looking for a handout.

    ICE could spend months raiding plants here in the poorest state that receives the most federal aid and not make a dent in the number of illegals working here.

  4. Nope,not according to this article. People were already lined up for the jobs.

  5. I read this story and it really didn't make a difference to me. I mean I felt indifferent. What will happen is they will be deported but be back the next day or that company will send manufacturing to mexico, china, or some other third world country. It's a hopeless situation for us but not a worry for them. The problem will not be solved. The only way there will be change is if there is a REVOLUTION.  

  6. You continue to make assertions without supporting those assertions.  The meat packing plant did not lose its illegal aliens and then turn and hire yet more illegal aliens.  They are, in fact, forced to comply with the laws of the land.


    Per the workers in that meat packing plant.. they are no longer participating in taking some 300 billion a year in welfare out of our economy.. (and that is just for starters), and the effect is decidedly a win, win for the U.S.


    Per the transformers: we have lost yet another big, big chunk of people who have horrendous criminal backgrounds, and collect a huge amount of welfare.  But please, folks, don't take my word for it.


    595 of millions.  We need to do far, far better than that and as is the case in the above, American Citizens will take those jobs, and we will stop paying the welfare.

  7. If we stopped providing so many social programs and entitlements to the able bodied welfare recipients and illegal immigrants they would change places. The illegals could go home and sit on their couch's free to enjoy there socialistic societies while the US Americans would be building transformers and slaughtering chickens. Stop trying to justify criminals, you are like the woman that defends her rapist. Your just confused but I forgive you Mr. copy/paste

  8. No,it proves that greedy companies use illegals because they can pay them practically nothing. It proves that Americans are beyond fed up and with the government realizing that fact,action is finally being taken.

  9. Yes it does! and that's another STRONG AMERICAN COMPANY that got crippled by the immigration raids......good going Americans! lets just cripple the rest of the nations good companies and have everything outsourced, and then where are you going to work? the field?............I don't think so!

  10. The immigration raid in Mississippi proves the following:

    1.  The crack down on illegal alien criminals is surging.....because Americans are demanding it.

    2.  That there are unscrupulous employers out there who plan to profit off the backs of illegals and at the expense of Americans.  They too should be dealt with swiftly and expediently.

    3.  Jan's article proves that your supposition that illegals do jobs Americans wont do is hogwash.  It always has been.  Pay Americans a liveable wage and they will do any job.

  11. What we need is a mexican revolution.  then we'll be required to have cards to work for them.  Then we'll know how they felt.  Except they'll be hiring us about as fast as they hire a Nicaraguan.

  12. First of all, greasy tony, your question(s) would lead most people to believe that you are pro-illegal immigrants.  If this is true, and you are an American citizen, it would not be far-fetched to look upon you as a person who is:  disloyal to your country, in favor of criminal behavior,  wanting U.S. jobs to go to foreigners rather than American workers.

    Which is why, senor, no American should give your fuzzy, traitorous assertions so much as a second thought.

    Instead of applauding the fact that ICE raids are on the increase, and more job opportunities for Americans will be the result, you imply that Americans aren't interested in such employment.


    Exploitive employers hire illegals to keep, and drive, wages lower. They can do this because their lobbyists have managed to curb minimum wage increases.  Americans are not accustomed to living like doo-doo and recognize that these wage levels will never lead to the American dream. Even so, simply because these low-level jobs are not particularly attractive, doesn't mean that they should be gifted to foreigners. If we don't protect our country's resources, and jobs ARE a resource, we might as well hoist the Mexican flag and fire the Border Patrol. You'd like that, wouldn"t you?  

  13. It may be  

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