
Does the insistence by some men on here that men and women are extremely different when it comes to sexual?

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desire indecate a fear of female sexuality?




  1. I wouldn't say EXTREMELY different, but there are definitely different manifestations of this desire... Women *generally* don't o****m solely from vaginal intercourse but more with clitoral stimulation, and for this reason require more foreplay. Women can have multiple orgasms whereas men cannot.

    There's a social aspect to differences as well; when it comes to protection, women have a lot more responsibility for contraceptives... The only thing that men have to buy is a condom, but all other birth control methods the woman tends to buy. This means that some women need to limit their sexual activity for financial reasons. Young women also tend to hide when they are sexually active whereas young men tend to speak more openly of it, because of the "s**t/pimp" double standard.

    But I do think that because certain people associate s*x with power, female sexuality can be a very threatening thing.

  2. I have absolutely no idea, but I'm a good student ;-D

  3. Yes they all fear our power cause we are stronger, and we can go longer

  4. YEP

  5. What  r u asking? That guys fear sexual women? I'm thinking that we all want a sexual woman. More guys complain about not getting any after marriage than getting too much. the guy who is getting too much isn't afraid he's happy.

  6. Why on earth would a man be afraid of female sexuality? I think they pretty much adore it. Can you please expatiate at length on your question as it is considerably vague and your point is rather nebulous to me. For some men, they express their opinion and why should that mean anything related to fear?

    You will have to tone down your avid paranoia and suspicion of the other gender. 'Tis a little silly. Eschew the feminist periodicals, the extremist ones, they are bad for the old mental health, and biology. That doesn't mean quit your job and become bare foot and pregnant now. I never once advocated that.

  7. Yes six we are very different.  For your enlightenment, feel free to read "The Kinsey Report."  It talks about female sexuality.  We are light years different.  

    For the love of women, men have made inventions.*  Why fear when we can love each other?  Why gender wars when we can help each other?  

    How different are we?  How many women walking down a sidewalk "have" to make love to someone they just met?  How can a v****a and a p***s be the same?  Or testosterone and estrogen be the same?  

    If women were like men, there would be 12 billion humans, nay, 50 billion humans on this planet.

  8. You need to learn that every single action men take is not some Patriarchal Conspiracy to oppress women.  Geez, listening to you, I wonder when men have time to do anything else besides trying to control women.  It's amazing anything gets done.  This goes for a couple of my fellow answerers on this question as well (I think you'll figure out who you are pretty fast).

    Men and women are different in many ways.  Look around.  While few things are universal, there are real legitimate differences in most men and women that can't be ignored.

  9. Khankrumthebulgar.. 36% + 19% = 55% just a little over half.. what is the other half? Undecided?

    Anywho.. I don't think it has anything to do with fear, I think it's just a stereotype.. just like saying that guys are ALWAYS horny.. some guys take offense to that.. just like some women take offense to guys saying we have very little s*x drive.

    As for me, I don't worry about it.. I have a healthy s*x drive, and it doesn't scare my guy at all.. he quite enjoys it :)

  10. I find it rather intriguing that whenever a man questions a woman on any issue the woman's response always has something to do with the word "fear". Could it be that it is you who are the ones who are afraid that we are right?

  11. Mudkip, Egohan is quite correct, men can certainly have multiple orgasms.  Remember that o****m and ejaculation are not the same thing.

    Fear?  Sorry, got no fear of female sexuality as long as the individual woman is not acting out to appear more assertive or something.  Just because we are different, it does not mean that one gender need fear the sexuality of the other.  

    If I reversed the genders in your supposition, would you feel comfortable with me making a claim that women fear male sexuality?  I would hope not.  

    There is certainly a desire in both genders to control or influence the sexuality of the opposite s*x, and this tendency is certainly not unique to males, and is probably exercised more by females, and in more manipulative ways in western society.

  12. I only insist this is a totally boring question. I believe in "Vive la difference". We should enjoy our lives not live in a state of sexual apartheid.

  13. Like I care what men think about my sexuality.  I grew up having to listen to men seriously discuss the "myth" of female o****m.  How could I possibly respect such morons or their sentiments?

  14. Perhaps not fear, but a need to control female sexuality, and to convince themselves that they are in control over a woman's sexuality, by requiring and admiring virginity, and admiring a woman who perhaps has less need for s*x, as a person who has control over their sexuality.  

    All they are doing is focusing on some oversexed males, and saying that is the norm, and focusing on undersexed females and saying that is the norm.

    Not only are some men afraid of female sexuality, some cultures are even afraid of females, and the natural response men have towards women.  If this were not true, women would not be wearing the burkha, to disguise even their hands and feet.  

    Some men are afraid of an overtly sexual female, because of a deep-seated fear that they might not be able to "rise" to the occasion.  When they cannot "rise" it can injure a weak self-image as a strong, lusty man.  So if men are not "in charge" of rising or not rising to the occasion, the blame for both can be avoided and placed on females.

    BTW   Any man who uses the C word for women just shows what low breeding he has,and what kind of trailer park he lives in.  We call it TRASH.

    As for getting less s*x when they marry...if you marry a woman who can "control" her sexuality before marriage, you may logically be marrying a woman who has a low s*x drive.  Hence the lack of s*x after marriage.  If you want a lot of s*x, marry a woman who has to have it!  Those are the women that men do not marry.  That's a bit of illogic!  Once again, some men would rather marry a woman that they can control in all ways.

  15. I think they don't want to admit that a woman's s*x drive is just as strong, because they don't want to deal with the fact that they STILL could get rejected. I can't stress enough that even when a woman has a very high s*x drive, she still can be choosy and will reject men that she's not attracted to. Saying that "women don't like s*x that much" just helps them feel better when they get rejected.  A man told me that this is also why guys assume that sexual women will do anything that walks, b/c they're hoping that they have a chance with her too.  

    Ever heard that saying "A s**t is someone who sleeps with everyone, but a b*tch is someone who sleeps with everyone but you."

  16. No it indicates an inability of Feminists to accept reality. Your Question is condescending and insulting. And your'e a bigot. I fully expect this reply to be banned or deleted. Like others where I have called Feminists on their pejorative insults as s****s. Who cannot handle reality. Female Sexuality like Male Sexuality must have limits. Like brakes on a Vehicle or a governor on an engine that limits its speeds. So a vehicle is not run into an immovable object and wrecked.

    What has no limits on Female Sexuality gotten us? Nearly 40%+ of our Children are b******s in the US. We have Cuntfests on US College Campuses, Masturbation and s*x Toy Clinics, partially funded with our Tax Dollars. We have an explosion of STDs. The NY City Health Dept. has openly posted about the STDs there. And Women account for 36% of herpes cases, Men are 19%.

    Men don't want our Tax Dollars to subsidize the poor choices of Women who lack impulse control over their Sexuality. Let them pay for their own problems, and stop sending us the Bills.

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