
Does the international community?

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does the international community have a right to invade other nations if there are atrocities taking place?




  1. Internal affairs must be solved by the country by itself and not to be invaded by other countries.  Help must only be extended to solve the problem.

  2. Under international law?  Absolutely.  First, the only international law that exists about the possibility of invasion is within the UN Charter.  Under chapter 7, a country or coalition is allowed to go to war against another if it has already invaded another, is attempting to invade, or poses a serious security risk.  In all honestly, a country, or the international community, doesnt really need this at all.  There is nothing to stop the international community from taking action, other than setting the precident for this to occur again.  If there are atrocities taking place, they should act.  Just ask the people of Rwanda or Darfur what they think about this kind of jurisdictional issue.

  3. it is really a question which must be resolved by the international Community for there must be guidelines on when and why should others get involve in an internal problem of any state. though internal affairs are really to be respected, there are times when these internal problems pour our into another country. just remember when Saddam Hussein tried to eliminate the Kurds, they moved into Turkey hence affecting the security and stability not only of one state but of the region also. Iraq's invasion of Kuwait can also be an example. The International Community must set guidelines on how to deal with these problems because as Paul J Glenn states in Ethics, not helping a party being aggrieved is being party to the aggressor. When we do not help one who is being harmed, we become party to the evil deed by omission! It really is important to have an international understanding on this matter. But then we shall once again face the very question: if it is imposed, will it have the support of other members of the international community? (Just think of what's happening in and the issues involved about Iraq!)

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