
Does the internet help or hurt our ability to change our country politically ?

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We all know about the ability of the internet to raise political monies, but does it actually allow us to further divide politically.

The internet gives us many more choices to seek information and express opinions, but before the internet , people joined action groups and there were far fewer options thus more members and a stronger voices, Now everyone has a voice but the crowds are smaller. Is this counterproductive to making changes in our goverment ? Everyone has heard the saying (Strength in numbers) has the internet forced us to further divide and not unite, and if so How could you promote a website that would unite the greater mass of people interested in bringing Integrity back to America,




  1. Help in solving the misery of living human kind in shaking and waking us on what went wrong out there.

    Before further damage being done in time.

    Without being aware of it.

    Being expose in time after the mystery of us-911.

    Luke 21.30-33

    What do you think?

  2. I think on the whole it has helped.  More information, and easier access to it, can only help a democracy.  The quality of the information varies widely, but the public seems to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff very well.

    I do understand a bit what the question is saying, though.  The idea of "narrow-casting" to specific groups is a relatively recent development.  Even twenty years ago, most people just watched the three major networks for news, and had many, many more shared experiences.  And we communicated in person!  Now people can sit at their computers all day and only see, hear or read what they want to - what agrees with their views anyway.

    So yes there is a cost.  But I still think that we have a net gain from before.

    Great question!

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