
Does the iphone has a gps tracking locater system for defining your location?

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if the iphone has a tracking device where your location can be found anywhere if your lost. i wanted to know if the iphone has a lojack sytem like the onstar. if your lost in the midle of the woods or kidnapped, for example, and you have your iphone hidden, can the police track your location with a special device that is in the iphone?

(if the iphone is hacked, is that feature still available?)




  1. yes lets say you wreck in a car well with that phone the police can track where you are if you call from there its basically e911 which all phones have that as of the beggining of the  year

  2. Yes it does have a gps tracking thing. I am not sure if the police would be able to find u, but they probably would be able to with all this technology. Remember something like lojack onstar and iPhones police only track it down if they are notified some how. So it may not work in the woods unless there is reception. Second the new iPhone 3G will be almost impossible to hack as what i have heard.

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