
Does the ipod on the iphone drain the battery?

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Does using the ipod on the iphone drain the battery more than, a regular ipod..for example if i use the ipod on my iphone for a 4 hour car ride..will it have no battery by the end




  1. he means does the music player on the iphone drain the battery. i heard the internet does. i don't know about the music player.

  2. "i use the ipod on my iphone " ipod on iphone?

    your question dosent make sense

  3. I see what you're asking. An iPod in an iPhone will not last as long as an iPod without the phone would last. I don't think you'll get 4 hours out of it. You might just barely. If it's the 1st generation phone, you have a way better chance than the energy hog 3G, whether the 3G is turned on or not. Having said that, you can get cords that will power the iPhone in the car.  

  4. yes it does drain battery but not that much... it will last way more than 4 hours, u can check the apple website... i think its something like 20 hours or more.

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