
Does the law of attraction work ? is it ture ?

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Does the law of attraction work ? is it ture ?




  1. I am going to tell you this, I wont confirm that is does or doesnt work, but I do know that I kept saying that I needed $1500 to go on a vacation.  I kept believing it, and I kept thinking positive about it, I even wrote a check out to myself and hung it on the wall as a reminder.  10 days before I wanted to leave I recieved $1300 of the $1500 I needed from a scholarship I didnt even know I had received.  Since my schooling was already paid for, I received the money in the form of a refund check.  Coincidence?  Maybe, maybe not.

  2. yes the law of attraction work only when you understand your mind ! your mind contain 2 parts conscious and sub-conscious ,to believe you need to learn how to use your subconscious mind that’s where your vibration switch to negative or positive.

    Saying things verbally will not change anything you need to let the  positive power flow your sub-conscious mind so you will get connected to the universal mind that in turn will guide you  and tell you what to do to get what you want ..  we call it god idea or a gift from God that this thing show up in a right time… may sound fiction

    I recommend you to watch bob proctor program “paradigm Shift” he explain the mind in perfect entertaining way you can watch it free at this site ,I left link below for your references:

  3. Um, what is the law of attraction?

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