
Does the leader of McCain's Christian movement really hate Catholics?

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Why isn't Fox news discussing this?

John McCain gladly accepted the endorsement and money of John Hagee. Does McCain therefore share Hagee's hate for the 50 million+ Catholics in this country?

The Catholic League had this to say about McCain's spiritual leader: "...for the past few decades, he has waged an unrelenting war against the Catholic Church. For example, he likes calling it ‘The Great w***e,’ an ‘apostate church,’ the ‘anti-Christ,’ and a ‘false cult system"




  1. i agree with you. it's because fox news is a place of real un Americans hate monger and racists any one who believe in there lies and deception are brain wash idiots. they only report the conservative  side of the story. fair and balance my explicit @

  2. I wonder if Hannity and O'Reilly (both Irish catholics) will sell out on this one.

    I was baptized Catholic (though atheist now) and have a mixed boyfriend and we both support Obama... can I get any more screwed in this election?

  3. As a Catholic, I am APPALLED at being called an anti-christ and a great w***e. I will NOT be voting for McSame

  4. Of course "Fox Opinion Channel" (they are not a news outlet, depsite their claims) wont cover this.

    Thatd get their boy in trouble.

    It's so insanely hypocritical, you'd be a fool not see it.

  5. Is John McCain in the audience shouting Amen?  Did Hagee baptise McCains Children, preside over his wedding?  Is Hagee his mentor and "like an uncle to him"

    Furthermore, you are comparing a racist to a man who is disgusted by a religion he considers to be evil.  There is no comparrison.  I boldly say that Islam is the most evil face on the planet.  

    So, what is your point?  You are comparing disregard for another religion as the same as racism?   Sorry, that is a stretch.  If we go there, then we must go back to the foundational faith of this country and stick with it...CHRISTIANITY.

  6. Yes, but hate is OK with Republicans.

  7. You are actually comparing and endorsement from a man that John McCain may have not even known before he endorsed him to a 20 year close realationship between Rev Wright and Obama. Get a life!

  8. OF COURSE THEY DO?THE VATICAN DON't PAY AND THEY HAVE THE SECOND LARGEST BANK ACCOUNT ! Being #1 your always worried about #2!!!!!!!!!!

  9. No Hagee doesn't hate catholics. He has a problem with the Catholic Church. There is a difference.Read the book of Revelation. Hagee is a specialist in this area of prophecy. Watch his sermon(s) for a while and compare what he says with the King James Bible-NOT the Catholic Bible-it's been altered. Mccain is NOT involved with this"Christian movement" you speak of. To the best of my knowledge Mccain has never even been to Hagee's church.

  10. yes. lots of people hate catholics.

  11. Nice spin.

    Try to present the question objectively, and you might deserve responses.

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